sexta-feira, março 28, 2014

"What is success?
Top of the tree?  Riches?  Position?  Power?
Not a bit of it!
These and many other ideas will naturally occur to your mind. They are what are generally preached as success, and also they generally mean overreaching some other fellows and showing that you are better than they are in one line or another. In other words, gaining something at another’s expense.
That is not my idea of success.
My belief is that we were put into this world of wonders and beauty with a special ability to appreciate them, in some cases to have the fun of taking a hand in developing them, and also in being able to help other people instead of overreaching them and, through it all, to enjoy life- that is, TO BE HAPPY.
That is what I count as success, to be happy. But happiness is not merely passive; that is, you don’t get it by sitting down to receive it; that would be a smaller thing- pleasure.
But we are given arms and legs and brains and ambitions with which to be active; and it is the active that counts more than the passive in gaining true Happiness." 

É com estas palavras de BP que me deixo inspirar para mais um dia! Mais um dia em que tento ignorar o stress, pessoas ignorantes e outras coisas que tiram a paciência a qualquer um. É fácil dizer que devemos fazer o bem acima de tudo, fazer as pessoas felizes, ter sucesso na escola, em casa, nas relações, mas é difícil cumprir isto tudo. Será que alguém consegue mesmo? E será que quem consegue é realmente feliz? Tantas mais perguntas que tenho e sempre sem resposta... Tenho esperança que com o tempo consiga obter as respostas que tanto quero. Talvez as respostas venham com as vivências e com o passar dos anos mas enquanto não as tenho, tento seguir os concelhos que BP nos deixou e tento encontrar uma maneira simples de ser feliz, tal como BP encontrou.

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